Plantar Fasciitis

Experience lasting relief from your plantar fasciitis in Chambersburg, PA, after receiving treatment from Dr. Bryan Staker of Fifth Avenue Chiropractic.

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you follow sports, you’ve probably heard the term “plantar fasciitis” before. You may already know it as an injury that affects the feet, but you may still not grasp how much it can affect a person’s quality of life.

Before we get to the symptoms associated with plantar fasciitis, we should discuss the potential causes of that injury. The underlying cause of plantar fasciitis is damage to a band of tissues collectively known as the plantar fascia. The tissues that make up the plantar fascia run along the bottoms of your feet, linking your heels to your toes, and plantar fasciitis is what we call it when they become inflamed.

Because of the positions they occupy in your feet, the tissues that make up the plantar fascia can be susceptible to tearing and irritation. Activities that put excessive or consistent strain on your feet can lead to the emergence of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis can also be a byproduct of staying on your feet for too long.

Pain is the main symptom caused by plantar fasciitis. You may feel that pain radiating from your heels or arches. The pain caused by this particular injury is at its worst following prolonged periods of inactivity. Expect to be greeted by that pain when you first get out of bed in the morning.

Aside from chronic pain, plantar fasciitis may also cause swelling. The swelling may specifically affect the bottom part of your foot.

Don’t allow the symptoms of plantar fasciitis to slow you down. Get in touch with Dr. Staker of Fifth Avenue Chiropractic and receive effective plantar fasciitis treatment in Chambersburg, PA.

How Does Chiropractic Care Address Plantar Fasciitis?

Chiropractic treatments excel at addressing issues that involve the musculoskeletal system. Unsurprisingly, it also serves as an effective solution for plantar fasciitis.

One of the most important treatments we offer at Fifth Avenue Chiropractic is SoftWave Therapy. This technology introduces soundwaves into target areas that increase blood flow by up to 300%. As a result, inflammation subsides, and the connective tissues’ reparative stem cells are activated.

Another service we provide is customizing foot orthotics so patients’ weight will be distributed on their feet more evenly, preventing excess wear to the plantar fascia.

Chiropractors can also teach you exercises that are useful for injury prevention. Those exercises are helpful because they can strengthen the connective tissues in your feet. Engaging in more physical activities shouldn’t be an issue for your feet if you receive chiropractic support.

Schedule your plantar fasciitis treatments in Chambersburg, PA, by calling 717-263-6101 and making arrangements with Dr. Staker of Fifth Avenue Chiropractic.

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405 Phoenix Dr. | Chambersburg PA, 17201

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